Health and its determinants, health promotion and health education


  • Mario Alberto De La Guardia Gutiérrez Maestrante en Salud Pública del Instituto de Estudios Superiores Elise Freinet. Pachuca Hidalgo, México
  • Jesús Carlos Ruvalcaba Ledezma Profesor Investigador de Tiempo Completo en Área académica de Medicina y Coordinación de la Maestría en Salud Pública [UAEH] Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, México



health promotion, primary care, determinants of health, education health


Throughout history the concept of Health has been modified in an attempt to approach the population transition, increasingly complex and increasingly full of nuances that in many cases limit care, disease prevention and promotion. of Health, it represents a cornerstone of primary care and is an essential function of Public Health. The recognition of the value of this activity is increasing, due to the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness with which it reduces the burden of morbidity and mitigates the social and  economic impact of diseases. There is a broad consensus regarding the relationship between Health  Promotion, health and human and economic development. In this sense, the social approach to health is  addressed through the Determinants of Health and of these in an important way the Social, with  strategies and actions of Health Promotion and in a transcendental way with health education. It is  emerging to place emphasis on primary care, if not, the results point to be negative, at all it is positive to  act in the curative field.



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