Controversias en el Cribado de Cáncer de Próstata: ¿es útil el Antígeno Prostático Específico?


  • Pablo Yago Giménez Médico. Facultad de Medicina de Albacete, España
  • Loreto Tarraga Marcos Enfermera Hospital Clinico Zaragoza, España
  • Fátima Madrona Marcos Médico Residente. EAP Zona 5 A de Albacete, España
  • Pedro Juan Tárraga López Profesor facultad de Medicina de Albacete, España



Prostate Cancer, Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA), Screening


Prostate cancer is one of the most important cancers in recent years, due to its high incidence and prevalence in the world population. The use of prostate cancer screening using Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) has contributed to increasing the early diagnosis of this cancer, but also the overdiagnosis and over- treatment of this cancer. Numerous studies have attempted to find statistically significant evidence to demonstrate the decrease in mortality of patients performing screening. Two large studies stand out in  this field and are the American PLCO study, which has not found a decrease in mortality and the European ERSPC study that has found it.

The conditions of use of PSA in the population are not entirely clear, although as it has been studied, it is necessary to use screening for at least 10 years to demonstrate a decrease in prostate cancer mortality. That is why, there is a clear contraindication and it is its use in patients over 70 years because they do not have enough life expectancy for the screening to show any benefit. In the case of an asymptomatic population, the patient must decide if they want to be screened according to the benefits and risks they assume.

This work aims to carry out an expanded review of the evidence of prostate cancer screening using PSA and see under what conditions it would be indicated to undergo such screening.



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