Alcohol consumption in the rural environment


  • Crisanto Gómez Iniesta Médico Familia EAP Alcaraz (Albacete). España
  • Elena Ruiz-Escribano Taravilla FEA Medicina Intensiva del Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Albacete. España
  • Loreto Tárraga Marcos Enfermera Hospital Clínico Zaragoza. España
  • Fátima Madrona Marcos Médico Residente EAP Zona 5 A de Albacete. España
  • Juan Solera Albero Médico de Familia EAP zona 6 de Albacete. España
  • Pedro Juan Tárraga López Médico Familia EAP Zona 5 A de Albacete. España



alcohol, alcohol consumption, high-risk consumption, rural environment, binge drinking


Objectives. The primary objective of this study is to identify the prevalence of alcohol consumption in the rural environment and to analyze various sociodemographic variables, typical consumption in this zone as well as to sort the patients into groups of moderate consumption, high-risk consumption or dangerous consumption.

Material and methods. A simple of patients and companions who attended a consultation and who agreed to participate in the study was analyzed, these individuals were provided with an anonymous questionnaire to complete themselves which included the AUDIT alcohol consumption questionnaire.

Principal results. The prevalence of consumption in this rural zone of Albacete is in line with the national average but greater than the regional average. A pattern of daily alcohol consumption is more prevalent  in middle-aged working men and the retired. Of note is the participation of younger females in alcohol consumption. In young people, the type of consumption is by and large in the form of binge drinking and occurs mainly during the weekends.

Conclusions. Alcohol consumption in the rural setting has certain typical social and demographic characteristics, which is why from a Primary Care perspective we must insist on identifying the most vulnerable populations: adult males with established drinking habits, Young females and those who have completed higher education. Patterns of consumption are changing and it is essential to reinforce information and screen the young.



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