Learning styles determination enrolled to the engineering area on students of first-year, UAO


  • Nilo Cruz-Martínez Escuela de Ingeniería, Universidad Anáhuac Oaxaca, Oaxaca, México
  • Josue Gregorio Aguilar-García Escuela de Ingeniería, Universidad Anáhuac Oaxaca, Oaxaca, México
  • Iván Antonio García-Montalvo Escuela de Medicina y Cirugía, Universidad Anáhuac Oaxaca, México
  • Martin Garníca-Hernández Escuela de Ingeniería, Universidad Anáhuac Oaxaca, Oaxaca, México https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2441-9370




Learning styles, Engineering, School dropout, Teaching-Learning


Objective. The objective of this work is to determine the predominant learning styles in the first year  students assigned to the Engineering area of the Universidad Anáhuac Oaxaca.

Method. This is a descriptive cross-sectional study, where the target sample is determined by students  assigned to the area of Engineering, for which the Learning Styles Index © © (ILS ©) instrument was used,  and the data analysis will be carried out through Excel®.

Results. The Learning Styles Index © (ILS ©) instrument was applied to 20 first-year students of the School of Engineering of the Universidad Anáhuac Oaxaca, of which 45% are male and 55% female, with an  average age of 18.5 years, 50% of them are in the active-reflexive dimension, being the preferential  stimulus 100% of visual type, for the dimension of processing and understanding of information, they are  mostly sequential.

Conclusions. It was obtained that first year students have preference for a sequential-visual order specific  to the area of engineering, these data are important to be able to direct the teaching styles by  means of the modification of the didactic strategies of the teachers of the engineering area, it is an even  complicated task since not all teachers have the openness to adapt their teaching styles based on the  predominant learning styles in the group, which has been reflected for years in the University through an  increase in the dropout from the area.



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