Atoxoplasmosis in goldfinches (Carduelis carduelis): diagnosis and therapeutic essay




Isospora serini, merozoites, sulfadoxine, pyrimethamine, hepatomegaly, cytology


Aims. The diagnosis of ante-mortem atoxoplasmosis in passerines is sometimes complicated because taking samples from such small animals. The aim of this study is to demonstrate that puncture  and liver cytology is a reliable, easy and safe diagnostic method. Also, a treatment protocol is proposed  that combines three drugs to combat and eliminate the merozoites of Isospora serini (syn. Atoxoplasma) at  the extraintestinal phase of atoxoplasmosis.

Material and methods. Four goldfinches (Carduelis carduelis) with clinical symptoms (inactivity and hepatomegaly) are used to perform this test. Those birds are diagnosed with atoxoplasmosis through coprological analysis and liver cytology, and was administered a protocol combining sulfadoxine, pyrimethamine and toltrazuril.

Results. Is verified a remission of the symptomatology with reduction of the hepatic size, and  reduction in some cases and total elimination in others of oocysts in feces and merozoites in  mononuclear cells.

Conclusions. The reduction of parasites in the intestinal and extraintestinal phases due the treatments administered can help to overcome the critical period, until the birds can become immune  to infections by Coccidium. The goldfinches have remained asymptomatic since the beginning of the  treatments and for a long period of time with the protocol administered in this study. But is not  possible to confirm that the parasite has been completely eliminated because the existence of possible  false negatives. Then, new researches to compare different protocols and confirm the results of those  studies are required.



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Author Biography

Óscar Miñana Morant, Clínica Veterinaria Babieca. Gandía (Valencia)

Licenciado en Veterinaria en 1992 y Doctor en Veterinaria en 2000,. Gerente de la Clínica Veterinaria Babieca desde 1993, dedicado a Medicina de Animales de Compañía y especialmente a Animales Exóticos. Miembro de La Asociación de Veterinarios Españoles de Animales de Compañía (AVEPA) y miembro activo del grupo de Medicina y Cirugía de Animales Exóticos (GMCAE).  Ha realizado comuniacciones libres en congresos de España y Portugal y escrito artículos en revistas científicas nacionales. Premio Científico Nacional Miguel Luera al mejor artículo de 2018


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