Prevent and Undo mistakes in surgery


  • Aniceto Baltasar Clínica San Jorge. Alcoy. Alicante



Negative results, Medicine, Surgery


Introduction. Journal of Negative and No-Positive Results (JNNPR), is an international journal that focuses on the negative, neutral or non-positive results of research in science. It is a pleasure to read and reread  the including health reports. Reporting "wrongs" or negative results in Medicine is essential and doing so in  surgery should be a moral obligation, to prevent others from making the same mistakes that can bring  negative results. Prevention is better than cure!

Method. This is a review made of the aggravations or negative or non-positive effects that we have found in our own surgical practice in the Surgery Service in a Community Hospital of Alcoy, Alicante, Spain  for 40 years, and that we publish them in order to show that there is a space in which surgeons teach  others, so that they avoid negative consequences.

Results. We have found 22 subjects to make a correction of the original descriptions or at least draw attention that their correction was necessary.

Discussion. Reporting positive results is important, but still more so are communicating the negative effects of our actions in all scientific aspects. And more still if doctors are involved.



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Gastrectomía vertical laparoscópica. 3%B3pica

Cruce duodenal

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