Aerobic exercise and low carb diet in obesity: case study


  • Sebastian Sitko Facultad de ciencias de la salud y el deporte. Departamento de Fisiatría y Enfermería. Universidad de Zaragoza.
  • José Poblador Vallés Facultad de ciencias de la salud y el deporte. Departamento de Fisiatría y Enfermería. Universidad de Zaragoza.
  • Ángel Matute Llorente Facultad de ciencias de la salud y el deporte. Departamento de Fisiatría y Enfermería. Universidad de Zaragoza.



Exercise, Obesity, Carbohydrate restricted diet, Metabolic Syndrome


Objectives. To compare the efficacy of low carbohydrate diet and aerobic exercise alone or combined for the treatment of obesity and metabolic syndrome in a subject without other comorbilities.

Methodology. An intervention based on aerobic exercise and low carbohydrate diet both alone and combined was used as a treatment for obesity and metabolic syndrome in an otherwise healthy  subject. Parameters related to these pathologies such as body fat percentage, lipid profile, fasting glucose  or body mass index were registered.

Results. Both the combined program and nutritional intervention induced reductions in total weight, body mass index, waist to hip ratio, total cholesterol, triglycerides and fasting glucose blood levels. The intervention based only on aerobic exercise did not result in any improvement.

Conclusions. A combination of aerobic exercise together with a low carbohydrate diet was effective for the treatment of obesity and metabolic syndrome in this case. The intervention based on the low carbohydrate  diet was also effective. The intervention based only on aerobic exercise did not provide any beneficial  results, contrary to the results obtained by previous research. More research with larger samples and  especially including a control group is needed in order to evaluate whether the results obtained in this study could be extrapolated to the general obese population.



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