Effects of the Mediterranean diet on the cardiovascular risk factors


  • María Rodríguez González Medico Universidad Castilla la Mancha
  • Mª Loreto Tárraga Marcos Doctor Enfermería. Hospital Clinico de Zaragoza
  • Fátima Madrona Marcos Medico Residente EAP Zona 5A. Albacete
  • Ibrahim M. Sadek Medico Residente EAP Zona 5A. Albacete
  • Carmen Celada Roldan Medico Residente Gerencia de Cartagena, Murcia
  • Pedro J. Tárraga López Profesor Facultad de Medicina de Albacete




Mediterranean diet, primary prevention, cardiovascular disease, blood pressure, diabetes, inflammation


Background: Eating habits have been modified, which together with a more sedentary lifestyle has contributed to a significant increase in cardiovascular risk factors and consequently in cardiovascular disease. It is believed that this epidemic could be reduced with a change to a healthier  lifestyle and diet, such as the Mediterranean diet.

Objetive: To demonstrate the benefit of the Mediterranean diet as a valid dietary pattern for the  primary prevention of cardiovascular disease

Methods: study of the articles found in bibliographic review of different databases through systematic technique 

Results: In interventions with Mediterranean diet, a global beneficial effect on blood pressure has been observed with significant reductions in systolic, diastolic or both depending on the study. There is  also a positive effect on glucose levels, HbA1c and incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus with a  significant level of significance. Regarding the lipid profile, the results are more variable, although  generally it is considered that there is a reduction of total cholesterol, triglycerides, concentration and  oxidation of LDL and ApoB and an increase of HDL. Inflammatory markers such as CRP, IL6, IL8, TNF  alpha, ICAM, P-selectin, are also reduced in several of the studies analyzed. Likewise, the Mediterranean  diet has proven to be an useful tool in the reversal of the metabolic syndrome.

Conclusions: After a few decades in which prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases focused on the use of low-fat diets, the Mediterranean diet is currently emerging as a healthier  alternative since it has shown a greater reduction in blood pressure, glycaemia, lipid profile, markers of  inflammation and endothelial damage.



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