Bacterial resistance in pediatric patients with Infections Associated with Health Care


  • Erika Belem Moedano Álvarez Maestrante en Salud Publica del Instituto Elise Freinet, Hidalgo
  • Hilario Corona Martínez Docente de la Maestría en Salud Publica del Instituto Elise Freinet, Hidalgo
  • Jesús Carlos Ruvalcaba Ledezma Docente de la Maestría en Salud Publica del Instituto Elise Freinet, Hidalgo, México, Profesor Investigador de Tiempo Completo de la [UAEH]. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo



bacterial resistance, Infections Associated with Health Care, rational use of antimicrobials


The study of nosocomial infections originates in the same moment of the creation of Hospitals, several men  have stood out for their contributions to the knowledge of them. Infections Associated with Health Care  (IAAS), formerly known as nosocomial infections, are defined as localized or systemic infections that are  triggered by an adverse reaction to the presence of one or several infectious agent (s) or their toxin (s), without evidence of its presence prior to admission to the respective health care center. The inadequate and irrational use of amphibiates, which is frequent in medical practice, is one of the most  important factors in the generation and selection of bacterial resistance.

Aim. The objective was to establish the state of the art regarding bacterial resistance in pediatric patients with (IAAS).

Methodology. A systematic search was carried out in Google, PubMed, CrossRef. 

Results. We reviewed 24 publications, 5 from 16 Google, CrossRef and 3 PubMed.

Conclusions. Bacterial resistance represents a public health problem associated with the [IAAS] impact on morbidity and mortality, so it is urgent to comply with the strategies of the CDC [Center for  Disease Control and Prevention], among which work in the washing of the hands of health personnel,  people in general and the irrational use of antibiotics, otherwise, the impact will be negative on the  economic and health status.



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