Information is not knowledge: About functional foods


  • Ignacio Jáuregui-Lobera Instituto de Ciencias de la Conducta. Sevilla
  • María Jesús Oliveras López Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Sevilla



Functional foods, information, knowledge, mass media, consumption, diet


Introduction: Functional foods (FF) are those that, in addition to what they provide nutritionally, are beneficial for health, improve the welfare state and reduce the risk of getting sick. Probiotics, prebiotics, symbiotics, functional nutrients and non-nutrient functional compounds are considered  functional. The aim of this study was to analyze the knowledge about FF in a university population.

Materials and Methods: A total of 120 university students were interviewed (26 of Dietetics and  Human Nutrition Degree, 45 of Degrees on Letters, 32 students of Health Sciences and 17 students of  several Degrees on Sciences). There were 95 women (79.17%) and 25 men (20.83%), with a mean age of 22,57 ± 1,90. All they fulfilled a Questionnaire to assess their knowledge about FF, which was  responded voluntarily.

Results: It was evident that the knowledge about FF is very scarce in university populations and,  although something better, quite poor among the students of human nutrition and dietetics. The  consideration that FF benefits are not always clear, some dangers derived from excesses, ignorance of  regulations in a large part of the interviewees, etc. lead to that conclusion.

Discussion: The success in the binomial information-behavior change is based on a series of factors related to the content and design of information, but most campaigns and communications  related to health end up appealing to the fear. The fact that FF are largely linked to commercial interests or to the simple fact of being something fashionable might be elements that discourage to deep into the  knowledge about FF.



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