Navigation and history of science: USS Indianapolis or survival at sea


  • Ignacio Jáuregui-Lobera Instituto de Ciencias de la Conducta y Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla



USS Indianapolis, secret misión, survival, rescue, suicide


On August 14, 1945, President Truman announced on the radio that Japan had accepted the terms of the  surrender. World War II ended. That same afternoon the American public learned of the tragedy of the USS Indianapolis ship. The cruiser had transported the raw material to make the atomic bomb that would fall on  Hiroshima, under orders of a secret mission. She was torpedoed and sunk, after fulfilling her mission  successfully, on July 30 of that year. Many of the crew died at the time of the tragedy. Those who survived, faced a hell of cold, heat, hunger, thirst, sharks and alienation. Years later, the Captain would end his life committing suicide.



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Brennan LB. The Story of the USS Indianapolis. New Jersey: New Jersey Postal History Society; 2016.

Bauer KJ, Roberts SS. Register of Ships of the U.S. Navy, 1775–1990: Major Combatants. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press; 1991.

Dictionary of American naval fighting ships / Vol.3, Historical sketches: letters G through K. Washington, D.C.: Department of the Navy; 1981.

Fiennes R. Fear: Our Ultimate Challenge. Hodder & Stoughton: London; 1988.

Rhodes R. Making of the Atomic Bomb. New York: Simon & Schuster Paperbacks; 2012.

Haynes LL. Survivor of the Indianapolis. Navy Medicine 1995; 86: 13- 17.

The Story. https:// www.ussindianá [Citado 19 febrero 2018].

Bedser R (Dir.). Ocean of Fear: Worst Shark Attack Ever [DVD]. Discovery Channel; 2007.

Sandoval W. Sobrevivencia a accidentes por barracuda y tiburón. Revista Medica Hondur 1986;54:50-59.

Naval History and Heritage Command. The Sinking of USS Indianapolis: Navy Department Press Release, Narrative of the Circumstances of the Loss of USS Indianapolis, 23 February 1946. list-alphabetically/s/sinkingussindianapolis/narrative-of-the- circumstances.html [Citado 19 febrero 2018].

Naval History and Heritage Command. Tranquility. nquillity.html [Citado 19 febrero 2018].

Stout D. Captain, once a scapegoat, is absolved. The New York Times, July 14, 2001.

Captain McVay. https:// www.ussindianá [Citado 20 febrero 2018].

Toti WJ. The Legacy of USS Indianapolis. [Citado 20 febrero 2018].

