If the Huntingtons were to rise from the grave and see what is going on!


  • Francisco J Sanchez Muniz Departamento de Nutrición, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad Complutense, Madrid Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital Clínico San Carlos (IdISSC)




Madrid, Torch Bearers, Symbolism


This short manuscript is just a cry, a protest against the ignorance and the present loss of moral values.  The sculptural group entitled The Torch Bearers was made by the American sculptor Anna Hyatt Huntington  and donated to the city of Madrid as an acknowledgement of the Spanish civilizing push through centuries.  It shows a dying man giving a torch (symbol of knowledge and previous generation) to a young man on a  horse ready to run, representing, thus, the transmission of Western culture and civilization through History.  The sculpture is located at the core of Complutense University. For years, the torch has been  stolen and restituted several times. The author, a Professor of this University, asks himself - How long will  this last for?



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