Study of alcohol consumption among students in Madrid and design of a health program




Alcohol, prevalence, teenagers, program of health


The aim is to know the prevalence and the rates of teenager’s alcohol consumption nowadays. We studied the alcohol consumption of 100 students male and female of Madrid Community. We performed a pilot descriptive study, using two surveys, one of them the Questionnaire AUDIT and the other one is a questionnaire designed by the Ministry of Health and Social Politics. There were the answered of 95% of the students. As results we found that the male students of 3rd and 4th years of Secundary Obligatory Education were the groups of teenagers who consume most alcohol. They medium age to started drinking was 13 years old. We also found out that 51 % of the students have consumed alcohol at least once in his life and the number of glasses that they drunk during different days of the week were 1-4 glasses. The percentage of teenagers, who consume on weekdays (15 %), is minor of whom they do it during the weekend (48 %).
We can conclude that the teenagers began to drinks alcohol earlier than before and also they consumed frequently during the week.
That’s why we have elaborated a health program. This program consists to work during three journeys with teenagers in order to inform them that the alcohol is a hard drug that can seriously injure their health.



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Author Biography

María Teresa Iglesias López, Facultad de Farmacia. Universidad Francisco de Vitoria

Prof. Nutrición y Dietética en la Facultad de Farmacia


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