Weight gain in women who practice moderate physical activity during pregnancy and its influence on the total duration of labor: a randomized clinical trial


  • Raquel Rodriguez-Blanque Grupo de Investigación CTS 367. Plan Andaluz de Investigación. Junta de Andalucía. España. Departamento de Enfermería. Universidad de Granada. Granada
  • Juan Carlos Sánchez-García Grupo de Investigación CTS 367. Plan Andaluz de Investigación. Junta de Andalucía. España. Departamento de Enfermería. Universidad de Granada. Granada
  • Antonio Manuel Sánchez-López Grupo de Investigación CTS 367. Plan Andaluz de Investigación. Junta de Andalucía. España. Departamento de Enfermería. Universidad de Granada. Granada
  • Norma Mur-Villar Grupo de Investigación CTS 367. Plan Andaluz de Investigación. Junta de Andalucía (España). Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Cienfuegos
  • Manuela Expósito-Ruiz Técnico Metodología de la Investigación-Bioestadística. Fundación para la Investigación Biosanitaria de Andalucía Oriental (FIBAO)
  • Rafael Fernández-Castillo Departamento de Enfermería. Universidad de Granada
  • María José Aguilar-Cordero Departamento de Enfermería. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad de Granada. Hospital Clínico San Cecilio. Granada. Grupo de Investigación CTS 367. Plan Andaluz de Investigación. Junta de Andalucía




Weight gain, Physical Activity, Pregnancy, Duration of labor


Introduction: At present, OMS establishes that sedentarism and poor eating habits are two major problems of industrialized society, which cause high rates of overweight and obesity in the population. This fact also extends to women of reproductive age, which causes an excessive gain of weight during pregnancy, which can be a risk for the baby and for the mother.

Objective: To know the benefits of moderate aquatic physical activity and its influence on the total duration of labor, according to the body mass index (BMI) of pregnant women.

Material and methods: Randomized clinical trial of 140 healthy pregnant women, ages between 21 and 43 years. A simple random sampling was used, the sample being conformed into two groups; Intervention (IG; n = 70) and Control (CG; n = 70). Each group was categorized according to the BMI, according to the OMS international classification. The recruitment was at 12 weeks of gestation in the ultrasound control of the first trimester, in the different obstetrical services of Granada. The program began at week 20 of gestation and ended at week 37. The perinatal results were obtained from the Labor Diagram of each woman, recorded in the Labor Ward Services of the University Hospital Complex of Granada.

Results: The mean weight gain during pregnancy in the CG was 2.89 kg more compared to the IG. Significant differences were obtained in the total time of labor in the categories of BMI, Normopesus and Overweight. The Obesity variable shows that the results were not positive enough to reveal a statistical significance, although a difference of 531.89 min was recorded in the CG versus 374.14 min for the IG. This represents a difference of 2.63 hours on average, data that is clinically significant.

Conclusion: Non-obese pregnant women, who have followed the SWEP method, present a statistically significant decrease in total delivery times between groups. However, in obese women there is a decrease in the total time of delivery, but this difference is not statistically significant. Although this reduction in labor time has clinical relevance.



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