Later insecticide action of bioproductos from three plants for controlling the brown weevil Acanthoscelides obtectus.


  • Leonides Castellanos Gonzalez Profesor de la Universidad de Pamplona . Carretera Bucaramanga. Km 1. Pamplona. Norte de Santander.
  • Mayedín Lorenzo Cruz Empresa de Seguro Nacional Cienfuegos. Calzada de Dolores. Entre 49 y 51: Cienfuegos.
  • Roquelina Jiménez Carbonell Laboratorio Provincial de Sanidad Vegetal. Cienfuegos. Carretera a Palmira Km 4. Cienfuegos.



alternative control, vegetable extracts, insect, storage pest


Background: The weevils produce serious damages to the stored grains, in particular to the bean. The employment of chemical products in these cases constitutes a risk for the health of people for that it is necessary the search new alternatives, effectives and less toxics

Aims: to determine the in vitro mortality on Acanthoscelides obtectus (Say) by three bioproducts containing powders of Azadirachta índica Juss. (neem), Melia azedarach L. (paradise) y Eucalyptus sp. (eucalipto)

Settings and Design: Three assay with totally randomized designs were carried out with four treatments and four repetitions (Petridish). The treatments were constituted by three concentrations (25, 50 and 75%) of each bioproduct and a control

Methods and Material: For the assays, adults of A. obtectus were fed with beans. The percentage of mortality was determined at the 48, 72 and 168 hours after the treatment with the phytopesticide Statistical analysis used: Data were transformed in arcsen ?x, and they were processed by means of a variance analysis, using the statistical package SPSS version 15. The media were compared by the test of Tukey for P <0,05

Conclusions: Although neem, paradise and eucalyptus bioproductos in form of powders to the proportion of 25%, don't always got mortalities higher than 70% at 24 hours against the adults of Acanthoscelides obtectus (Say) under laboratory conditions, they overcome this value later, reaching 100% of mortality at 168 hours to all the studied concentrations.


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Author Biography

Leonides Castellanos Gonzalez, Profesor de la Universidad de Pamplona . Carretera Bucaramanga. Km 1. Pamplona. Norte de Santander.



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