Inadequate treatment of patients with global developmental delay in Ecuador.


  • Marcelo E Cruz Ex Ministro de Salud del Ecuador. Miembro de Honor de la Academia Americana de Neurología. Quito
  • Alejandro Cruz Experto en Neurociencias. Neurologic International. Quito



Nerodevelopmental disorders, ACTH, cerebral maturation


Based on experimental studies in animals and clinical experience with patients, we summarize the role of ACTH in the myelination process in children with global developmental delay. Fifty cases with this pathology treated in Quito, Ecuador, with intramuscular ACTH are presented. These patients had been treated inadequately with risperidone, an antipsychotic drug. ACTH and corticosteroids regulate cerebral growth and metabolism. ACTH accelerates myelination and stimulates RNA and DNA synthesis and influence positively on the cerebral myelination processes. These effects are shown by the significant development of motricity, language and learning in the children so treated. It would be important to continue with these studies, using MRI techniques to demonstrate the advance of myelination in the brain of children treated with ACTH.


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