Knowledge, attitudes and behaviours: Eating habits among students of nutrition.


  • Ignacio Jáuregui-Lobera Departamento de Biología Molecular e Ingeniería Bioquímica. Área de Nutrición y Bromatología. Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Sevilla. Instituto de Ciencias de la Conducta. Sevilla.



Eating behaviour, nutritional education, environmental influences.


Objective: To value in which proportion the nutrition knowledge guarantees in keeping with a healthy diet pattern behaviours.

Method: Descriptive, transversal study, carried out with 50 second-year students belonging to the career in Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Seville (Spain), all of them females, with mean age of 21.16 years old. The collection of data related to the daily food
ingestion was made following the 24-hours-recount technique and using two tables of food composition for the calculation of the contribution. Students have followed matters such as basic nutrition and life cycle, bromatology, nutrition education and dietetics.

Results: There is an absolute fast from breakfast till lunch in more than half of the cases, 16% of the students do not eat anything during the evening, either; and in 20% of the cases the daily food consists in breakfast, lunch and dinner. From an energetic point of view, there is an hypocaloric pattern and, concerning macronutrients, an ingestion excess of fats and proteins. Fibre ingestion remains under current recommendations and iron -in an almost 60%-, calcium and folic acid ingestion are also deficient.

Conclusions: It seems as if social pressure and feeding fashions had more weight at the time of determining the attitudes and behaviours in front of food than the fact of owning suitable knowledge on the matter. It is not likely that having that knowledge, even as in our sample, at a technical level, can guarantee proper behaviours and therefore a healthful feeding behaviour.


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