Influential factors in the appearance of Erectile Dysfunction


  • Ángel Celada Rodríguez Profesor Asociado de Medicina Universidad de Castilla la Mancha. Médico de Familia CS Zona 6 Albacete.
  • Carmen Celada Roldán Médico Residente de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria de Cartagena (Murcia).
  • María Loreto Tárraga Marcos Enfermera Residencia Geriátrica Los Álamos de Albacete.
  • Raúl Salmerón Ríos Médico de familia de Albacete.
  • Ibrahim M. Sarek Médico Residente de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria de Albacete.
  • Pedro J. Tárraga López Profesor Asociado de Medicina Universidad de Castilla la Mancha. Médico de Familia CS Zona 5 Albacete.



Erectile dysfunction, Obesity, Hypertension, Hypercholesterol, Mellitus diabetes.


Objectives: Determine erectile dysfunction (ED) prevalence in patients with cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF). Assess ED incidence in relation to the extent of controlling CVRF.

Methodology: An observational, descriptive, analytical, cross-sectional study. Resulting in a sample of 210 people, of which 31 could not complete the study for various reasons (change of address, death, refused to complete questionnaire, etc.).
Variables analysis.
We analysed: Age, Level of education, Civil status, Height, Weight and Body mass index (BMI), SBP, DBP, Smoking habit, No. cigarettes/day, year smoking began, ex-smoker, year smoking stopped, Alcohol consumption, grams alcohol/week. Consumption of
other drugs, frequency and type. Blood test: glucose, haemoglobin glycated haemoglobin, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, artherogenic index, creatinine, urea, GOT, GPT, gamma-GT and PSA. Urine test: microalbuminuria, proteinuria and creatinine clearance. ECG. Diabetes diagnosed at least one year ago and prescribed drugs to treat it. High blood pressure diagnosed at least one year ago and prescribed drugs to treat it. Dyslipidaemia (hypercholesterolaemia) diagnosed at least one year ago and prescribed drugs to treat it. Concomitant diseases of at least one year and drugs (up to 3) .

Results: Of the 210 selected people, 179 completed the questionnaire (85.2%). The mean age was 64.5 ± 11.6 years. When analysing all the study variables in relation to the main variable, presence or absence of ED, age is seen to play an important
role in ED appearing as ED incidence rises with age. Blood pressure had no significant relationship with the studied variable, and the same can be said of BMI and its subdivision into normal weight and obesity. As regards toxic habits, neither cigarette smoking nor alcohol consumption influenced the presence of ED. The same may be said of the sociological-type variables (civil states, level of education).  Regarding the biochemical variables from blood tests, a significant relationship with the atherogenic index and its recoded variable at high and low atherogenic risk (p< 0.04) was noted. In the glycaemic profile, a glycaemia mean of 126 mg/dl was obtained in the ED presence group, which is the cut-off point proposed by ADA (American Diabetes Association) to consider a subject diabetic. Likewise, glycated haemoglobin presented figures in the 2 groups that can be considered an alternation of a practically diabetic glucose metabolism.
In our study, the presence of diabetic diseases, HBP (high blood pressure) and dyslipidaemia showed no significant relationship with ED presence for each disease.

Conclusions: In our study of cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, or hypercholesterolemia show no relation to the appearance of erectile dysfunction.



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