State Anxiety and Burnout in healthcare workers in Albacete.


  • Mª Loreto Tarraga Marcos Departamento de Psicología. Facultad de Medicina de Albacete.
  • Juan Pedro Serrano Selva Departamento de Psicología. Facultad de Medicina de Albacete.



Burnout, Personal Health, Health Service, Private Company, Anxiety, Maslach Burnout Inventory.


Objective: To assess the level of anxiety and burnout syndrome in health workers of Albacete.
Method: Participants included 104 health professionals aged between 24 and 63 years, serving in two types of companies: 52 health workers in public administration and 52 who provide services in a company that provides health services privately. A descriptive crosssectional study was conducted to measure levels of anxiety (STAI) and burnout (MBI).
Results: The sample of health workers had high levels burnout in this study, since women on one side had half emotional exhaustion, high depersonalization and Performing Personal low and men on the other have average emotional exhaustion, high depersonalization and personal accomplishment low. The group of women presented minimal differences in trait anxiety and state compared to men. The groups of health workers Albacete have high trait anxiety in both men and women. Workers Health Service of Castilla la Mancha (SESCAM) have a high trait anxiety levels regarding private workers, with no differences in state anxiety. Among the dimensions of Maslach, there is high emotional exhaustion, depersonalization high and low personal accomplishment. People with high anxiety, both state and trait values have higher scores Burnout.
Conclusions: The high level of burnout among health workers Albacete no differences regarding the company public or private work.


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