Influence of feeding on neuroendocrine and gastrointestinal regulators and their relationship with obesity




Obesity treatment, Neuroendocrine regulation, Gastrointestinal regulation, Appetite, Intake regulation


Different foods and nutrients are analyzed and their ability to trigger the formation of these signals, thus determining that food is more interesting when it comes to treating obesity by its anorectic effect and  its involvement at the hormonal level in the individual who suffers from this pathology.

Aims. Analyze the Neuroendocrine regulation of satiety and how the intake of certain foods can trigger anorectics processes and thus the decrease in intake.

Settings and Design. This is a work that is characterized as a bibliographical review.

Methods and Material. An exhaustive bibliographic search has been carried out in several databases, where we must highlight the search in Pubmed (with 51 articles obtained), Dialnet (1 article)  and Google academic (6 articles), from where a series of studies have been selected with a Maximum age  of 10 years that have allowed the development of this work, which has been developed over the months  from February to June 2018.

Conclusions. The consumption of a diet rich in protein foods and foods with a low glycemic index, in addition to foods with a solid or semi-solid composition and a hard or crunchy texture are able to  stimulate a greater anorectic effect which can produce a process Positive about obesity by allowing the  weight loss of these patients.



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