The Ponzi Scheme: An exploratory study of the victim.


  • Irene Parejo-Pizarro Universidad de Sevilla. España



Ponzi scheme, victim, victimology factors, vulnerability and resilience, investment causes and consequences of fraud.


Objective: The general aim of this study was to explore the victimization process of the so-called “pyramid scheme fraud”. Specifically the causal agents of this fraud and the consequent damage were analyzed as well as the victims’ different responses.

Method: The sample comprised 14 victims of the fraud (12 direct victims and 2 indirect victims) aged 47-87 years old. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in depth, comprising a total of 36 questions.

Results: The factors involved in the fraud appear simultaneously, these factors being economic and trust elements. Considering the reactions to this type of scam, the bipolar factor of earning vs. losing money seems to play a basic role in those victims who decide to invest. This way two different behaviors may emerge: on the one hand, the legitimation of this “business” and, on the other hand, the
rejection of it.

Conclusions: There were no significant differences between the factors that influence people to invest and maintain their investment in the pyramid scheme fraud. However, some differences have been observed with respect to the reactions against the scam. Future studies should be based on bigger samples, which could lead to the acquisition of a personality profile of the victims. In addition, two subgroups might be considered: Those who make money and those who lose money.


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