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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Work has not been published or has not been subject to consideration by any other journal (or an explanation regarding the editor's comments has been provided).

  • Work has been presented in a communication or congress. If so, work must have been substantially amended in order to be published in journal, and this situation must be explained by the author. 

  • All authors who had participated in the project development, agreed for evaluation and included in the project authorship.
  • Those individuals who even though they didn’t work but contributed to the project development and are authorized to be in this project, must be included under acknowledgements.

  • Follow journal guidelines in regard with bibliographical references and cites. Each author shall be responsible for the citations appearing in text. 

  • File will be submitted in OpenOffice format, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect, and will follow the journal regulations. 

  • Text must follow the stylistic and bibliographic requirements summarized in the author’s guidelines under the About the Journal section. 

  • Ehquidad recommends that authors report on whether conclusions have taken possible differences between sexes into account for papers that have been carried out with research data with sex variable.

Author Guidelines

Before submitting a manuscript for review, the author(s) must verify that the content is consistent with the themes and priorities of the journal. Manuscripts that are not within the proposed theme could be rejected without proceeding to their evaluation. The manuscripts submitted to the Ehquidad Journal can be about any subject related to Welfare Policies, in Social Sciences and Social Work.

English or Spanish submissions are welcomed. The article must be sent in along with a presentation letter, where the author must specify contact information and ensure that the piece has not been published previously. Download the presentation letter. Articles will be sent without authorship data, as this work will undergo an anonymous review process. Personal contact data, ORCID number and a brief summary of curriculum vitae
will be added to journal platform and cover letter. 

The length of the manuscripts should not exceed 40 double-spaced, typed pages, font Times New Roman size 12 (including boxes, figures, attachments, bibliography, etc.). Each article must include key words (five) that indicate the content of the text, in order to make the general index and an introductory summary (maximum 15 lines).

The manuscript will be sent as the main file, following this outline: The title of the article, a summary, and the key words will be on the first page. On the second page the text of the manuscript. Everything in Spanish or in English. The article will be accompanied in another separate document, by a cover letter. Afterwards, the name and last name of all the authors will be added, along with the complete name of the institution where they work, email addresses of all of them, selection of the person responsible who will also need to add the correspondence details (mailing address, telephone number, fax number), the contribution of each author of the manuscript, ORCID number, funding source, and a brief abstract no longer than 10 lines for each one of the authors. 

The manuscripts must be original and unpublished. The signer of the article must allege that it has not been published or sent to any other journal for its publication. If it is an article which has already been published, this circumstance will be noted in the piece and turned in with the authorization of the corresponding entity for its possible reproduction in Ehquidad Journal.

Boxes, tables, and figures must be presented in jpg or Excel format at the end of the document, and will be numbered with Arabic numerals. Where they should be inserted in the text will be indicated with parentheses (e.g. Insert Figure 1). The title must be included on top of it if it is a table or box, and beneath it if it is a figure. The source should appear on the bottom in all of them, if there is one, or put “prepared by author” if it is original.

To send in a book review, the author must follow the previous instructions and also submit the following details at the end of the document: Title of the book, authors, year it was published, pages, publisher, ISBN, and attach an image of the cover in jpg format.

All the bibliographic references should appear cited in the text. Footnotes are discouraged; therefore the references must appear in the body of the text. The last name of the author in lower case letters will be indicated in parenthesis, followed by the year and page of the publication (Zastrow, 2008: 23). If two or more documents were to have the same author and year, they will be identified with a lowercase letter next to the year and within the parenthesis (Fergurson, 2003a). The documents with two authors will be cited with their last names joined by an “and” (Epstein and Brown, 2002). For  the documents that have more than two authors, the citation will be abbreviated indicating only the last name of the first author, followed by “et al.” (Payne et al., 2003). When an author that has already been cited is cited again, it will follow the following structure. (Hollis, 1964 cited in Howe, 2009).

When organizations or entities are cited with acronyms, the complete name must appear the first time it is mentioned in the text. The bibliographic references will follow the APA guidelines, according to the alphabetical order of authors’ last names. If an author has several works, they will be ordered chronologically.

Below are some examples of bibliographic citations correctly referenced: For journal articles, e.g.:

Fernández, T. y Andrés-Cabello, S. (2005). The Welfare State in Spain in a systemic crisis scenario .  Sistema, 245, 3-16.

If the article also has a DOI number, it will be added at the end. For a complete book, e.g.:

Fernández, T., De Lorenzo, R., and Vázquez, O. (2012). Social Work Dictionary. Madrid: Alianza


For book chapters; e.g.:

Ares, A., y Fernández, T. (2002). Management of information and communication processes. In T. Fernández and A. Ares (Coord.), Social Services: Direction, administration, and planning (pp. 147-166). Madrid: Alianza Publishing.

For a newspaper or mass publication article; if the article has no author, for purposes of the alphabetical order, it is considered as ‘New”, e.g.:

New central banks (2013, February 17). El País business, p.3.

For a newspaper or mass publication article; if the article has an author, e.g.: Torres, M. (2013). Dreaming backwards. El País weekly, p.6.

For reports or serialized studies, e.g.:

Spanish Red Cross. (2013). Annual report on social vulnerability 2012 Madrid: Red Cross Foundation.

For electronic media on the Internet., e.g.:

INE (2011). Survey on living conditions. Madrid: National Statistics Institute (INE in Spanish) Available at (January 12, 2012).

For doctoral Dissertation

Castillo, A.M. (2011). Communities and the construction of territorial identities. Culture in the Field of  Calatrava. (Doctoral Dissertationl). Castilla La Mancha University, School of Humanities.

For contributions from a congress or conference

Molina, F. (2013, June, 19-21). Teaching and research in programs for elders: new challenges. In New times, new challenges for University Programs for Elders, XIII National Conference of University Programs for Elders.

The Editorial Council reserves the right to reject the originals if these are not appropriate, as well as proposing modifications and changes to the author when it considers it appropriate. The Editorial Council is not responsible for the opinions and assessments done by the authors whose pieces are published.

Author contributions

In the cover letter authors should explain contributions made in article, for example  design of the work, writing, data analysis, formal corrections, methodology, conceptualization, theoretical framework, review, editing, supervision, project management, tables and figures, translation... Each author is expected to have made substantial contributions in article. Authors contributions goes after the references/bibliography.

Open Access Policy

Ehquidad, International Journal of Policies on Welfare and Social Work, is an on-line semiannual publication (published early January and July), that can be consulted free of charge (authors are nor charged, nor fees, or APC, (Article Processing Charge) in the following website This journal allows an immediate access to scientific content published to facilitate diffusion and exchange of knowledge.

This journal supports free access to information, abiding to the guidelines of the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities, 2003), the (Budapest Open Access Initiative, 2002), as well as the Spanish Science Law, that reassures the international tendency towards  open access of online scientific knowledge in compliance with current copyright laws.

Copyright© 2020 Ehquidad

Authors who decide to publish in the Ehquidad Magazine would agree with following sections:

  • Authors know that their work is published under a Creative Commons License (CC BY NC SA), which allows authorship work to be acknowledged. They must publish unpublished works. Works follow an anti-plagiarism policy through the Turnitin program.
  • Authors assign to the Ehquidad Magazine the exploitation rights of published work, authorizing to the editorial team free reproduction, distribution and public disclosure. This content will be stored on digital servers, and incorporated into repositories and databases, which will allow free and open Access.
  • Authors will be able to distribute digital version of their work, as long as they cite Ehquidad magazine as their original source.

More information Dulcinea


The Ehquidad Journal is registered in Proeditio and through the OAI-PMH (Open Achieves Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) Protocol, the texts published are cited through metadata classification, which facilitates future incorporation to other data bases, improving the contents release.

All manuscripts submitted to the Ehquidad Journal must be original and unpublished. Projects submitted shall be conditioned to the declaration of authorship and authenticity included in the cover letter, which shall be duly signed and submitted by all authors. If it is detected that work has been previously published and has created a situation of plagiarism or other unprofessional unethical practices, the article shall be rejected regardless of its editorial process status. 

Privacy Statement

Names and e-mails included in this journal will be exclusively used for the purposes stated therein and shall not be provided to third parties or for any other purpose.