About the Journal

Focus and Scope

EHQUIDAD is a scientific and international journal that meets the main criteria on quality editing required by the scientific community (committees, boards, magazines, evaluations…). Likewise, it will include the publication of articles related to the research or innovation in Social Work and Social Sciences, with two missions: on one hand, an approach to the study,reflection, knowledge, and social intervention that may enhance our collective imagination and on the other, obtain and applythe research outcomes on society.

The editing of the journal is under The International Association of Social Science and Social Work, which supports the creation of this publication. If you would like to know more about the projects linked to our association, please visit the web page www.ehquidad.org You will also be able to find updated information on Ehquidad Journal in the publications section.

EHQUIDAD operates under the following premises:

-   An internationalnature journal

-   Multilanguages articles included (english, portuguese, spanish)

-   Electronic publication

-   Biannual 

-   Peer-reviewed

A Biannual Publication for the January and July regular issues every year. The Editorial Team and Board of Directors can decide to publish a special annual issue either of monographic or other nature compiling relevant contributions of national, international, scientific or professional conferences. 

Ehquidad publishes scientific works, which are conducted with methodological rigor and involving a contribution to the progress of any field related to Welfare Policy and Social Work. The content of the journal will be divided into the following sections:


Presentation Articles:

-          Dossier. When a particular theme is specified.

-          Articles, of professional interest linked to Social Sciences, which enable the study and analysis of social reality. Research, professional experiences, intervention programs, case studies, literature reviews, etc., will be published.



Information and documents of professional interest


Journal details:

Name: Ehquidad: International Welfare Policies and Social Work Journal

Editor:International Social Sciences and Social Work Association

Director: Tomás Fernández García

ISSNe- Electronic Edition: In process Periodicity: twice a year

Language: Spanish and English

Subject: Social Sciences and Social Work


Code of Ethics

The “Ehquidad” journal is a digital tool that allows dissemination of knowledge in a global society where technology, communication and information play an important role. This publication is focused on the equity of opportunities that facilitates knowledge.

Under this purpose, the journal commits itself with published contents, establishing a Code of Ethics based on the following principles:

  1. Texts received by journal must be original and unpublished, that is, have not been published, released or previously submitted to other publications. Authors should refrain themselves from copying texts they have published previously.
  2. Authors are responsible of requesting timely license for the publication of texts, figures or tables from other publications, with the corresponding references and reference cites.
  3. Copies of texts, figures, images and tables must be referenced in orden to follow anti-plagiarism policy. Articles will be reviewed using Anti-Plagiarism Software called Turnitin. In case of detecting practices of plagiarism, self-plagiarism or scientific fraud the submission will be rejected. 
  4. If experiments involving human beings are published, these must comply and follow the ethical regulations on responsible human experimentation and the 1975 Helsinki Declaration. Personal data from involved participants and institutions, should be respected.
  5. If project was funded by an entity, such entity should provide authorization to release results. In the cover letter sent to the journal, the source of funding must be indicated, and later it is going to appear referenced in the article before the bibliography.
  6. Projects involving people as subject research, must have an informed consent from them, where they are previously informed of the research purposes and the outcome release, ensuring confidentiality of personal data.
  7. Projects will follow a double blind evaluation guaranteeing anonymity of authorship and evaluator’s data. Terms agreed to complete evaluation will be complied, and the possibility of waiving the evaluation if subject is not consistent with the formation of evaluator or any conflicts of interest.
  8. Journal expects authors to report any business partnership that may entail a conflict of interest associated with the article submitted. Journal shall not be liable of any potential conflicts derived from the authorship of projects published in journal.
  9. Article’s Authorship. List of authors should only include those individuals who have contributed intellectually to the project development, that is, those that who have participated in the research design and execution, in drafting and result evaluation and lastly, that have approved the final version of text before it is submitted to journal.  
  10. The “Ehquidad” journal facilitates free access of all on-line contents.  
  11. Inclusion and Gender Equality. Ehquidad Journal exposes its commitment to gender policies that work to facilitate parity between women and men. Journal has main tasks: a). To equate number of women and men in different editorial boards, as well as to guarantee that 50% of the evaluations are carried out by women; b). To use inclusive language guidelines, so authors are recommended to use it in articles following gender equality guidelines that refer to the use of both sexes indistinctly as well as the use of generics; c). To avoid stereotypes and prejudices regarding gender, delimiting this variable in the results without adding connotations that could show differences or unequal treatment.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Dossier Educación

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Dossier Trabajo Social

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Número completo

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Peer Review Process

Process for article submission and review

Articles will be reviewed based on the following criteria:

Receipt of the submission through this web along with a letter of presentation requesting for the article to be evaluated for publication, with specific indication that the submission is original and has not been neither distributed nor published previously, and that it has been sent only to the journal for this end. The letter must be signed by all the authors of the manuscript, in which the information of the person responsible for the correspondence must also be indicated.

Once the original manuscript has been received electronically, the department of the publications section of the International Association of Social Sciences and Social Work will notify the primary author, through email, of the receipt of manuscript, indicating, as is the case, if: 1) we can proceed making changes to the presentation format; 2) if the minimum requirements indicated on the instructions for authors were or not met. The department will acknowledge the receipt of  the originals in a maximum time frame of 15 business days starting from its receipt, and the Editorial Council, after studying the reports submitted by the external evaluators, will reach a decision about the publication in a period of approximately three months.

After its receipt, the publication department representative will proceed to assign the manuscript as anonymous to reviewers. The first evaluation will be done by a member of the Editorial Council,  who will verify the adequacy of the content for the theme of the journal and its quality in general.

The member of the Editorial Council will propose two professional external reviewers to carry out the evaluation, also anonymously. They will determine the appropriate considerations about the quality of the manuscript. The evaluators will have a month to conduct their review and will send their review comments via email to the Editorial Council.

The Editorial Council will take into account the reviews of the external evaluators to make a final decision. The authors of the articles will be notified via email if the article was approved or not, and will receive the corresponding reasons.

Five decisions could be made:

  1. Can be published without modifications.
  2. Can be published with minor corrections.
  3. Propose an extensive review for its publication.
  4. Reject the publication, proposing it should be rewritten following the instructions provided.
  5. Reject the publication.

The authors will be notified about the dates of publication in case it was to be accepted. The criteria that the Editorial Council’s decision will be based on, is the following: methodology, originality, subject matter relevance, presentation, and the redaction. The evaluation of the articles will be done following a model-guide available online.

If the article is accepted for publication, the author or authors will commit to reviewing the galley proofs in a maximum period of four days after they receive the manuscript back. The authors will have access to the journal via the webpage.

At the end of the year, the publications section will make public the number of articles received, approved, rejected, and the average time since their receipt until their approval and corresponding publication.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content based on the principle that offering public a free access to research helps to have a greater global knowledge exchange.

Intellectual property Policy

Articles published in Ehquidad: lnternational Welfare Policies and Social Work Journal are distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoCommercial-SinDerivados (BY-NC-SA) 4.0 license. The authors who publish in this journal agree with the following terms:

Authors retain copyright and guarantee the journal the right to be the first publication of the work, as well as a Creative Commons license that allows others to share the work with a recognition of the authorship of the work and the initial publication in this scientific journal.
Authors may separately establish additional agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in Ehquidad (for example, publishing it in an institutional repository or in a book), with the recognition of its initial publication in this journal.

Policy of journal on data exchange

The Ehquidad journal encourages authors to share their data in a trusted repository that allows long-term access to research resources in digital format.


This journal uses the system LOCKSS to create a file system distributed among collaborating libraries, to which it allows to create permanent files of the journal for conservation and restoration purposes.