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The Spanish Journal Ehquidad, International Journal of Welfare Policies and Social Work, of the International Association of Social Sciences and Social Work (AICTS) is an international publication, scientific, academic and professional studies aimed at publishing scientific studies and professional experiences related to Social Sciences and Social Work. It is published periodically every six months since 2014, and since 2024 it has been incorporated the possibility of publishing in pre-print format or advance what contributes speed when publishing articles, a fact that benefits authors, that within approximately two to three months you can see your articles published.
Currently Ehquidad Magazine is the only Spanish journal in the area of Social Work that publishes in various formats: PDF, HTML, XML-JATS and EPUB, adapting to the requirements of the new technologies associated with the different electronic devices for reading.
In 2024 it renewed the quality seal of the Fecyt, also obtaining mention of good practices in gender equality.
In 2023, Ehquidad Magazine obtained the Fecyt Quality Label for scientific journals. In 2022 it obtained a score of 17.99. It occupies position 59 of 71 journals in the area of Social Sciences, placing in a quartile 4.
In Dialnet Metrics is in a Q1 in the area of Social Work and in Q2 in Social Sciences. It occupies the sixth position in the ranking of the Spanish journal of Social Work (6/42).
Included in Latindex Catalog 2.0 with all features fulfilled (38).
The journal is available in evaluation platforms such as CIRC 2023 for Social Sciences (C) and Human Sciences (C), in Erich Plus with its inclusion criteria met and in MIAR 2022 (c0+m3+e1+x4).
The journal has a presence in numerous prestigious international databases.