Strategies for the autonomy of women

An analysis of formal support networks in northwestern Mexico


  • María Fernanda Higuera-Cota Autonomous University of Sinaloa
  • Teresita del Niño Jesús Carrillo Montoya Autonomous University of Sinaloa



Female autonomy, Formal support networks, Public Policy


The present study aims to analyze the strategies for the autonomy of women in the Northwest of Mexico, focusing on the formal support networks existing in the region. Using formal networks as a measure to evaluate public policy provides a more comprehensive view of its implementation, considering elements such as the institutional structure, the interdependence of actors, rules and regulations, and collective decisions. This helps to identify strengths and weaknesses in the implementation of the policy and generate recommendations to improve its effectiveness and achieve the proposed objectives.


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Author Biographies

María Fernanda Higuera-Cota, Autonomous University of Sinaloa

Her training includes a bachelor's degree in international business relations from the Academic Business Unit of the Autonomous University of Sinaloa, a master's degree and a doctorate in Global Development Studies from the Faculty of Economics and International Relations of the Autonomous University of Baja California. She completed an academic stay in the Department of Economics and Business at the University of Zaragoza, Spain. She has participated as a speaker in international conferences in the Mexican Association of International Relations, and in the International Network of Teaching in Technological Innovation. She has publications in Indexed magazines such as ECLAC, ANUIES and Economic Research of UNAM. She is a member of the National System of Researchers of the National Council of Science and Humanities, Sciences and Technologies level 1 since 2022, she is a collaborator of the Academic Body Social Policy, Gender and Education (UAS). She is a subject professor at the Autonomous University of the West and at the International University of La Rioja in Spain.

Teresita del Niño Jesús Carrillo Montoya, Autonomous University of Sinaloa

Graduate in social work, master's degree and doctorate in Education from the
Autonomous University of Sinaloa. Professor at the Faculty of Social Work of
the UAS. Her postdoctoral stay with a CONACYT scholarship for two years in the postgraduate
Global Development Studies of the Faculty of Economics and Relations
International (UABC), research stay with a CONACYT scholarship at the
postgraduate course in Local Governments and Regional Development (UAdeO). Member of the
National System of Researchers of the National Council of Science and Technology
level 1 and the Science, Technology and Gender Network since 2015. Member of the
Basic Academic Core of postgraduate degrees in Education and Social Work.
External guest in the postgraduate courses: Strategic Administration (UAS), Development
Educational (UPES), Global Development Studies (UABC). Director and synod of
thesis in said postgraduate courses. Author of articles, book chapters and books in the
Research lines: Education and labor market, social policy, inequality
social and gender.


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How to Cite

Higuera-Cota, M. F., & Carrillo Montoya, T. del N. J. . (2024). Strategies for the autonomy of women: An analysis of formal support networks in northwestern Mexico. EHQUIDAD. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WELFARE AND SOCIAL WORK POLICIES, (21), 65–88.


