The 2nd Reconceptualization of Social Work in Latin America.

Reality, fiction or the dream of the Faun?


  • Jesus Acevedo Alemán Facultad de trabajo social, UAdeC



Reconceptualization, Social Work, Disciplinary Identity, Social Intervention, The New Practice


60 years after one of the largest intellectual movements in Latin America, which energized the construction of new identities, and particularly that of Social Work; It was where it emerged as a scientific discipline of solid theoretical-methodological contributions, which gave a full response to the prevailing historical contexts. Today, the profession faces different contexts, global implications, complex realities and unprecedented technological developments. In addition to this, a Covid-19 pandemic that has wreaked havoc at all levels in its wake. Scenario that favors the need to generate new models of attention, with greater theoretical-methodological strengths, which allow to meet the new challenges. In this sense, the purpose of this article is to situate the reflection on the premises that can distinguish a 2nd Reconceptualization Movement, which although we are already living it, but we still do not recognize it, therefore, the important thing is to make visible the efforts and reflections that have been detonated in the light of the new millennium; remember that the validity and strength of one's own disciplinary profile will depend on the ability to adapt and evolve to the same extent as social phenomena and new contemporary realities


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How to Cite

Acevedo Alemán, J. (2023). The 2nd Reconceptualization of Social Work in Latin America.: Reality, fiction or the dream of the Faun?. EHQUIDAD. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WELFARE AND SOCIAL WORK POLICIES, (20), 11–34.


