The inclusion of students with disabilities and curricular adaptations in the educational units of the Jaramijó canton (Ecuador)
Disability - Educational inclusión- Knowledge and application of standards- Educational institutions- Equal opportunities.Abstract
This research deals with the importance of knowing how the curricular adaptations are applied in the educational institutions of the Jaramijó canton for students with disabilities, where the experiences of parents where illiteracy and overprotection prevent the adequate development of children. students, including a survey of teachers, which evidenced the lack of knowledge, lack of tools for the proper development of educational inclusión.
A mixed methodology with a qualitative approach is proposed through life stories with semi-structured questions that allowed
parents to express their feelings about the experiences they have lived with their children with disabilities and the behavior they have adopted to overcome the different circumstances of the events of his life, the quantitative method was also used through a structured survey of teachers, obtaining results that show how many are trained, need training and what tools they need to carry out inclusive educational work.
According to the survey carried out on teachers, it indicates that, of 117 respondents, 75% of teachers make individual curricular adaptations, while 25% do not, arguing the importance of an inclusive approach to support educational processes that start from educational resources. that the pertinent training can be carried out in order to be able to manage the existing resources and update knowledge by the relevant Ministry of Education.
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