Trends and challenges in social work. A view from the Portuguese reality




Social Work, Trends and challenges, Technification of social intervention, Politicisation of social intervention, Emancipatory social work


This article is a theoretical reflection on current trends in social work and the challenges in responding to each of them. Six trends are presented: the first describes the current overvaluation of the individual dimension to the detriment of the collective dimension, with the consequent moralisation of social problems; the 2nd explicitly states the change in the notion of law with the modification of law into law-obligation; the 3rd presents the transformation of rights into non-universal palliative actions, through the transfer of competences from the central state to the local state, the market and civil society; The 4th demonstrates the transformation of the universal character of rights through the targeting of social policies; the 5th exposes the trend towards the increasing instrumentalisation and technification of social work, which imposes an instrumental rationality and a secondaryisation of the relational function of the profession; the 6th trend is both a result and a cause of the others: the abandonment of the collective and political character. To address these trends, we present 14 challenges that seek to adopt a transformative vision of social work, based on a collective project that articulates all the dimensions of the profession and develops emancipatory actions that respect the intrinsic value of the dignity of all human beings, respect for diversity and the defence of human rights and social justice.


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How to Cite

Marques, J. (2022). Trends and challenges in social work. A view from the Portuguese reality. EHQUIDAD. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WELFARE AND SOCIAL WORK POLICIES, (18), 137–158.


