Expulsions, a risk factor for school dropout and failure
School failure, Expelled minors, Coexistence, Resilience, EngagementAbstract
This study tries to analyze the variables influencing school dropout and failure, focusing on a specific population with the highest risk, minors expelled from schools. For this, the data collected during five school years (2014-15 to 2018-19) has been taken, through an initial questionnaire carried out in the Civic Association for Prevention (ACP), within the Project of Attention to Minors in Expulsion (PAMEX), to a total of 523 minors. It can be observed in the results obtained the determination of a profile that characterizes these students, mostly men, of the lower cycle of secondary education, with similar hobbies and enjoyment of free time, as well as the consumption of addictive substances. Highlighting the importance of energy drink abuse. This longitudinal study has made it possible to compare these variables over time and how they have been maintained. Future lines of research and intervention are also proposed, after the confinement suffered by minors due to COVID-19, as well as focused on mitigating variables such as resilience and engagement.
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