Prevention of cyberbullying in secondary school adolescents
A psychoeducational proposal
cyberbullying, psychoeducation, intervention, proposal, adolescence.Abstract
The Internet has allowed face-to-face relationships to be replicated in a virtual way. However, some of these relationships are not always healthy and are even harmful. This is the case of cyberbullying, which has a high worldwide prevalence in young people, and it is these who suffer the most from its consequences. Cyberbullying victims often have difficulties at school level, feelings of loneliness, fear, anxiety, depression, and suicidal risk. The perpetrators have difficulties in relating, are rejected, are at risk of suffering from anxiety, depression, and suicidal risk, as well as difficulty managing their emotions, low tolerance for frustration, difficulties in resolving conflicts, high justification for violence and low empathy. Programs aimed at preventing cyberbullying tend to be aimed at promoting emotional competencies and have shown favorable results in reducing the justification for violence and participation in bullying and cyberbullying. The present intervention proposal aims to influence psychoeducation in socio-emotional competencies through recreational and artistic activities through a socio-affective perspective of implementation and qualitative pre-experimental methodology with descriptive scope and selection of participants through sampling of homogeneous cases.
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