The Potential of Modeling Process for Social Sciences and Social Work


  • Andrés Lorenzo-Aparicio Universitat de Barcelona, GRITS (Grup de Recerca i Innovació en Treball Social). Barcelona. España.



models, modelization, complex systems, computational simulation, agent-based modelling


Simplification and necessary reductionism in a model cannot lead to detailed descriptions of social phenomena with all their complexity, but we can obtain useful knowledge from their application both in specific and generic contexts.

Human ecosystems, that perform as adaptative complex systems, have features which make it difficult to generate valid models. Amongst them, the emergency phenomena, that presents new characteristics that cannot be explained by the components of the system itself. But without this knowledge derived from modelling, we, as social workers, cannot suggest answers that ignore the structural causes of social problems.

Faced with this challenge we propose Agent Based Modelling, as it allows us to study the social processes of human ecosystems and in turn demonstrates new challenges of knowledge and competences that social workers might have.


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How to Cite

Lorenzo-Aparicio, A. (2021). The Potential of Modeling Process for Social Sciences and Social Work. EHQUIDAD. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WELFARE AND SOCIAL WORK POLICIES, (15), 113–134.


