Romi and feminism: a movement without dissecting




Gender and cultural specificity assumes taking into account those characteristics that cause the opportunities of Roma women to be diminished with respect to the population in general and to the men of their community. Society must set in motion a series of guarantees to address specific problems, understanding that the starting point is not identical for all women and therefore the road to travel can and should be adapted to any circumstance. Nowadays Romi in Spanish society, as ethnic-cultural group, suffer a different situation with respect to men. It is affected by multiple discrimination: for being women in a patriarchal society and for belonging to an ethnic minority that, according to social prejudice studies, receives the worst social assessment. The devaluation of women as a social group translates into discrimination by sex, a universal fact common to all women, even when attempts at domination are so subtle that they are not aware of them. The multiple discrimination of Romi is given by their belonging to the feminine gender and to a socially excluded group.


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Author Biography

Paz Pe´ña-García, UNED.ÚBEDA-JAÉN



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How to Cite

Pe´ña-García, P. (2020). Romi and feminism: a movement without dissecting. EHQUIDAD. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WELFARE AND SOCIAL WORK POLICIES, (13), 59–78.


