Popular initiatives for the reinterpretation of cultural heritage as an alternative to institutional strategies


  • Ana Isabel Trujillo Rodríguez Editora. UNED Centro Asociado Ciudad Real




Identity, Culture Change, Cultural Heritage


Societies are in a continuous process of change. Although it is a reality that is well known, there are societies in which these dynamics are appreciated in a more meaningful way. This article tries to be a small approach, for a much broader and more complex study, to the analysis of contexts in which the main labor activity has disappeared, not by the exhaustion of a natural resource but curiously, and in the words of Philippe Descola, for a modification of the "social construction of nature" for political and economic reasons.The municipality of Almadén (Ciudad Real) perfectly fits this reality, with the peculiarity of having an active citizen movement, very critical of the institutional strategies of tourism exploitation, which see in the tourist use of its material and immaterial heritage a way of strengthen your identity and fight for your survival.


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Author Biography

Ana Isabel Trujillo Rodríguez, Editora. UNED Centro Asociado Ciudad Real

Profesora-Tutora Grado de Antropología Social y Cultural


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How to Cite

Trujillo Rodríguez, A. I. (2019). Popular initiatives for the reinterpretation of cultural heritage as an alternative to institutional strategies. EHQUIDAD. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WELFARE AND SOCIAL WORK POLICIES, (12), 155–176. https://doi.org/10.15257/ehquidad.2019.0013


